Fund. Video Album 3: God's Plan & Purpose

FV: Lesson 1 of 8 Lessons in Album 3, God's Plan & Purpose (FV24)

Four Persons to Know

FV: Lesson 2 of 8 Lessons in Album 3, God's Plan & Purpose (FV25)

God’s Ultimate Intention: To Have Sons

FV: Lesson 3 of 8 Lessons in Album 3, God's Plan & Purpose (FV36)

Negative & Positive

FV: Lesson 4 of 8 Lessons in Album 3, God's Plan & Purpose (FV53)

God Wants Sons by Birth, Not Created Sons

FV: Lesson 5 of 8 Lessons in Album 3, God's Plan & Purpose (FV54)

God's Plan Is Working

FV: Lesson 6 of 8 Lessons in Album 3, God's Plan & Purpose (FV55)

World Is a Schoolhouse

FV: Lesson 7 of 8 Lessons in Album 3, God's Plan & Purpose (FV56)

Divine Authority and Divine Correction

FV: Lesson 8 of 8 Lessons in Album 3, God's Plan & Purpose (FV57)

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